39 Ways to Make Money Blogging in 2021


The internet has changed the way we live and work. In 2021, it will be one of the most reliable online money-making methods. When you have an idea that will thrive in this environment without having to overcome any obstacles or unfamiliar traditions, you will not miss out on the next big thing!

Since the Pandemic began, there has been an increase in popularity in recent years. Everybody desires something. But it’s also because it’s so simple to access social media sites like Facebook or YouTube, where content creators post videos every day describing how they earn $5,000 per month blogging/vlogging from home while travelling.

In 2021, it cannot be asserted that every blogging niche is financially lucrative. There are numerous blog options available. Nevertheless, none of them are cash-generating types. It is essential to choose the option that best meets your objectives. It requires extensive study and investigation. Additionally, you must understand what the majority of people do not wish to do. If you intend to discuss the idea of launching a news blog with me, I will be unable to refuse. Perhaps they have become overcrowded in recent years, but the majority of global news traffic is consumed by renowned and famous broadcasters (online variants). Blogging for various purposes could increase your market share, revenue, consumer engagement, and return on investment. Perhaps you would like to accomplish that. Problematically, many individuals are stuck on an issue that is:

What are they blogging about?

For businesses, the answer is straightforward. Brands must consider:

What is the company’s product?

Who do they wish to sell their product to? and

3.) Relevant blog subjects.

The solution is a bit more complicated for folks who are not experts. If you want to start a blog with the intention of making money, you must choose a topic and have made progress toward your ultimate objective. The most important aspect is selecting the most suitable blog topic. This essay is the result of a comprehensive analysis of the greatest blog themes and extensive market research. A fantastic and popular blog must begin with such a topic.

Best Strategies to earn money blogging with the year 202.1

These are the kinds of topics, strategies, and concepts that have proven to be extremely successful in recent times and are expected to continue to be successful in the near future.

1. Listicle

Marketers have a relationship with a listicle, love it or not. These are some of the most well-known blog pieces employed by Buzzfeed, presented at SXSW, reviewed at the SXSW technology conference, and supported by The New York Times. There are others who believe that the quality of the listicle was poor, and it is probable that this is the case. As with other content marketing formats, the list has both advantages and problems. Nonetheless, it is clear that individuals enjoy reading list articles. It is not only a trend but also scientifically established. This is why the current article you are reading is also included. It is one of the most effective blog ideas.

2. How-to Guide

It’s likely that you don’t like studying instruction manuals since the majority of people who do this. Do you remember the last time you were stuck with glasses of wine and the instruction guide to your blender last? How do people learn how to use things? The answer is quite simple: they search it.

I’m sure you’ve heard of WikiHow They became extremely popular due to how-to-do content by themselves. You’ll be amazed to discover what people are searching for on Google. If you’re having difficulty discovering your audience’s niche Just provide the answer to their questions Maybe you aren’t able to assist them, but this can help you create a well-known blog.

3. Politics

The political scene is a hot topic during each election year. No matter if it’s local or national choose a topic to talk about, and then join this discussion. This kind of discussion has helped them become frequent visitors to your blog, and this kind of audience can be a fantastic way to earn money online.

Political debates can be a bit tense but. People can get dissident about political issues So be prepared to face some disagreement. Avoid getting into trouble for making money. It is a bit tricky to do this kind of blogging and demonstrate it as the most effective idea for blogging.

4. Bacon

Do you not love bacon? Everyone loves it. Because of its it’s popularity, there are many blogs with an entire archive of bacon content. It’s possible that it’s not a long-lasting trend, but it’s not one that will disappear soon. Therefore, create your own blog on bacon, and then get involved.

5. Recipes

The most effective blogging strategies is to put into practice. It is a great method to attract readers to your blog through writing about different recipes. New diet trends are being introduced every day, which means it is always exciting to discover new dishes to be found. People love to discover new tastes. There are small chance for this style of eating going away in the near future. They want to discover new food items that have a fresh taste that they are looking for fresh, original and delicious recipes on the internet.

6. Beginner guides

Another guide that people Google frequently, and in large quantities. The beginner guides are becoming popular throughout the day. They’re designed for beginner to provide them with information on how to master advanced skills.

It is necessary to begin somewhere, so why not start to start with a beginner’s guide? These guides are typically the way bloggers utilize to generate organic search traffic for the first attempt and also employ infographics to create the best traffic.

7. Ultimate guides

The phrase “ultimate guide” but it’s a bit overused, however it’s the guide people frequently look up. Ultimate guides offer the impression of expertise when it comes to completing the task. You are able to change the terms as you wish for example, like the ones taken from the Professional Casual Copywriting:

  • Complete Guide
  • Essential Guide
  • Important to Be aware
  • The best Guideline
  • Guide Uncensored
  • The Ultimate Guide to ____ You’ll Ever Have

If you’re an expert and have mastered something, then creating the ultimate reference is a great method of achieving some renowned blogging.

8. Frequently asked questions

A lot of people Google to answer questions. It’s simple to locate an inventory of commonly asked queries. Be wary of posting answers to questions that are frequently asked on the internet, but don’t discourage individuals from asking questions.

But, they can also be an individual resource and are often featured on e-commerce websites and are often not mentioned on blogs. Commonly Asked Questions are among of the most popular blogging topics regardless of time.

Google’s algorithm is based on a variety of topics that are popular as element of the knowledge graph. FAQs are just one of them If you’re a diligent worker and have the right luck that you are, you could be awarded the top position in this highly sought-after position.

9. Interviews

If you are looking to keep your way from the sea of bloggers and their competition, the best option is to learn the best strategy from the experts in the field.

If it’s with team members or with people from different companies or the field, take interviews and publish the blogs on your sites to get valuable insights from experts. This is among the most effective blogging strategies.

10. Personal stories

Your personal tales may not be written in the proper way you’d like However, they’re an essential part of any blog.

By sharing personal stories, you give readers the chance to connect your company in a unique way that helps build an image of your brand.

11. Social activism and charity

Different types of charitable activities such as actions, events, or other activities you are involved in could be featured on blogs. Websites such as KickStarter and GoFundMe are extremely popular funding websites that appeal to the positive qualities of people and shows that you’re working in these communities could increase your readers. It could be a great idea to blog.

12. People Features

Making sure you brand certain people as professionals and respected customers, leaders and public figures and so on. is a great way for establishing a personality on your blog and create the feeling of connection. “Humans of New York” is among the most frequently visited blogs it currently.

Then, eventually branding a person through photographs or videos, writings, work, quotes and other personal details is among the most effective ways to build rapport and create an engagement level with your intended public.

13. Reviews of products

Review articles on products are those that contain a variety of products and their features, specifications pros and cons reviews from customers and more. Apart from generating traffic, reviews of products are also a reliable source of income stream for bloggers. It is the most effective method to make money from your blog immediately way.

In addition to review a product, you could add affiliate links, such as Amazon and eBay Affiliate and make money from your blog. Around the globe the internet, it is becoming well-known to purchase the product following Google reviews it. If you decide to start your blog with reviews of products you will have an excellent opportunity to earn money online.

14. Sourced news

Sources of reliable and reliable news source is referred to as authentic news. If you’re looking to receive media attention on any type of news sourced from a reliable source, this is the best idea. Before the invention of the Internet newspaper was the king of the world using the power of sourced news. It remains a favorite among people who love news. If you can find the right type of curation and identification, selection and comment This is the kind of niche you could rule.

15. Gifs and memes

In addition to lists, Memes and Gifs have an enormous impact on making Buzzfeed so well-known. Gifs and memes are well-liked by the users and as such, they are frequently used on the website. Gifs give people the excitement of a movie and they provide a lot of entertainment.

16. Myth-debunking

You may have seen shows like Myth busters are very popular among younger generations, But do you really know what is the reason for their success? Every industry has its own facts and myths about this. We are always interested in learning about what we’ve thought or did wrong during our lifetimes So, intelligent bloggers dispel the myths.

17. Virtual reality

VR (Virtual Reality) is a rapidly growing industry that will continue to grow at increasing in size and larger with time. It is estimated as a potential industry that will be investing $3 billion in 2016. Hence, getting on board right now could result in the first users to sign up.

18. Internet of things

Do you have smartphones or other smart devices? Connected and smart devices are everywhere and, for this reason, IT experts writing on IT subjects draw crowds. If you are looking to enter an IT field to earn money, you must demonstrate your knowledge on the topic. This field is filled with individuals who are knowledgeable about the subject.

19. Automation

For B2B companies, automation becomes the mantra of the day. Blog posts that explore methods to automate something is a good idea. It is important to define the automation in general terms and then select the type of automation that will driving real-time web traffic.

20. Troubleshooting guides

Not just me, but everyone else has been searching for reliable troubleshooting suggestions. Troubleshooting guides cover the problems of many of the articles users are consuming to eliminate them. The principal reason is that they must solve the issue. That’s precisely the most effective troubleshooting guide to follow frequently.

21. Contests

It’s a fantastic way to connect readers from all over the world. Contests bring together a large number of participants on one place.

Contests that reward readers is an excellent method to attract the attention of a blog. Do not organize a contest that’s cheap or sloppy or it’s going to be given negative reviews. However, they are at the top of the list as a reliable, dependable traffic-driving technique that is vast.

24. Tips

It’s a little difficult to understand. If you take an online look both Lifehacker and Lifehack gained prominence due to providing readers with valuable information about all subjects that are required. Like life advice, it is a valuable commodity in the subject. It is therefore a viable way to earn money online and is the most constant way to earn money.

25. Tips for productivity

Do you work in an industry or company that produces a item or product? If yes, aren’t you wish to improve the efficiency of your business? The majority of people want to increase their productivity and are in constant need of techniques, tools and technologies that can aid them in increasing their productivity. They are the mainstays of many popular blogs.

26. Travel

However connected we are, travel will continue to be the most popular subject for discussion online and search results. People love traveling. In the world, travelers will discover the world constantly. Many travelers are on the move frequently in the last few days. The fact is that the majority of them do not know enough about the destination they’ve chosen and therefore they search for the information they need.

We all want the most thrilling thrill and experience whenever we go on a trip. To achieve this we require the right information about the location we’re visiting. Any suggestion or information about how to go about it the most efficient way and at a reasonable cost is highly appreciated. It could be described as one of the best blog ideas to generate traffic.

27. History

Blogs that include history lessons are an ideal method to fill your blog with relevant information. People are curious about what was happening in the past, and how they performed. The history content you choose to include can give your blog with a consistent format and ensure it is constant. Bloggers who have been blogging for a long time and are often involved in current events may write about history with a historical perspective. You can promote an ads and affiliate links such the link for antique on them, and make massive amounts of money and position it the perfect blogging strategy for you.

28. Funny stories

There will always be plenty of space for humor in the world. People are always laughing and make others laugh. Content that can make people laugh are shared on a variety of social networks. This can result in a an amount of traffic to your website that will give you plenty of opportunities to earn cash online.

29. Tips for parenting

There will always be parents across the world, and good parenting advice is widely admired. Blogging moms are able to attend events and conventions all over all over the world, teaching individuals to follow their path and creating a sustainable business. Bloggers from dads are moving to become famous and well-known places to gather details.

30. Upcoming events

Events are a efficient method of capturing the attention of visitors. It is always possible to describe the event that is happening based on the buzz on blogs. It doesn’t matter if it’s global events such as that of the FIFA World Cup or local events such as a concert for fund-raising or book reading, events fill several of the most popular internet blogs.

31. Internet stars

You can find a lot of blog posts online. that are popular, and people are familiar with them. The branding and partnership with most prominent Internet stars can help you increase your following. Many bloggers or content makers are teaming with Internet stars to stay ahead of the game. If you’re not sure whom PewDiePie as well as The Fine Bros are, it’s time to conduct some research and research.

32. Tech support

Tech support is becoming very popular these days. Businesses that offer the hardware or software plug-in tools, or any other type of technical support services will provide technical support on their forums, blogs and websites frequently. Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple have widespread knowledge databases online, and they are growing like everyone else.

33. Ideas for gifts

It is a common gift to come across. People want to present a something unique and original as a present to their beloved ones. In the present time people are searching for special gifts through the Internet. For that reason blogs across the Internet have put together holiday gift guides that guide shoppers find the perfect gift to purchase for their spouse and friends, colleagues or loved ones this holiday season. There are many Affiliate websites that can assist you earn money from these posts.

34. Best-ofs

It’s an article whose title begins with words such as The top ____ 2017 Best of _____ and now as well as all time, these are excellent articles to read. WatchMojo developed a comprehensive business plan based on the top ten lists, and many others follow similar guidelines. To draw attention to readers, it’s a fantastic way to incorporate best-of lists based on every aspect of your business. Many Affiliate hyperlinks such as Amazon or other can help your business to generate revenue from the kind of best-of content.

35. Respond to readers

The reader should be contacted as quickly as you can is the best method of gaining consistent readers. The public has always been interested to suggestions and ideas from articles and content magazines, regardless of whether they’re old-fashioned advice columnists or the newest ones. In response to comments, you can build the impression of a genuine person who actually had a conversation. It allows you to address personal concerns and show that you’re a person who cares about the readers. This shows that you are trustworthy to them, and they’ll be able to trust your. It also encourages them to keep up with your blog and to accept your offers without even thinking about it. It will also create confidence in you your readers. In addition, it will draw more attention to your blog. it’s among the best ways to be considered among the best blog ideas to earn money online.

There are a lot of known and popular ideas, and ideas that are popular appear and disappear.

You must identify and learn a new technique the day before only to discover it was not in the best of times the following day. This is a significant part of the fun of blogging. Choose a blog that is based on your knowledge and passion, work on it, get your anticipated traffic and continue to use the idea of making money online.

The suggestions, topics, tactics and strategies given above are nearly sure to make you the most well-known blogger in the world.

If you’re able to attract every traffic that you require You have the ideal target audience you’re looking for. Perhaps you’re consistently successful. Try a few of these could show you an improvement in gaining visitors and earning money online. These are the top ideas for 2020 to earn money online.

About the author

Khadija Tahera is a seasoned digital marketing professional with over 5 years of experience in SEO and link building. As the founder and CEO of Kantaji.com, a leading SEO and link building agency, Khadija leads a team dedicated to delivering results-driven solutions for clients across various industries.

With a passion for innovation and continuous learning, Khadija stays ahead of industry trends to ensure Kantaji.com remains at the forefront of digital marketing excellence. Beyond her professional pursuits, Khadija is an advocate for women's empowerment and an avid traveler.

Khadija Tahera's expertise, passion, and commitment to excellence continue to drive success for clients and make a positive impact in the digital marketing community.
